22 Dec

There is a wide range of features that we use on the mobile phone these days. These handheld devices have become more and more advanced these days. They have started to come with new, unique and advanced features. And these features are what also helping us to use the mobile phones in a very convenient manner. Gone are those days when mobile phones were only use to make and receive calls and to send text messages. Now these devices are used to accomplish a wide range of other works. Especially the professionals out there are using these mobile phones to communicate and share data. And when they are doing it, they are also taking help of different chat services.

Pvr Bluetooth Voice Encryptor

  • Keep your chat messages secure

WhatsApp and Skype like apps are frequently used these days by professionals to accomplish these vital works. When they are doing it, they need to do this securely and this is where they need to use the telegram secret chat like feature. It’s a kind of chat service that can be only used when you are doing conversation with just one person. This feature cannot be used for the group conversation. And that means only the receiver and sender can read those messages. To make this feature enough secure, they have also disabled screen shots.

  • Make secure calls

The demand for the voice encryption devices is very high these days. When you want to make secure calls, you must use the PvR Bluetooth voice encryptor device. This is a handheld device and it works directly with the mobile phone to help you make encrypted voice calls.  

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